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Hey, a really cool game, would be an honor for us if you'd consider joining us as, we're looking for talented indie creators for games, tools, assets, zines, books, ect for a massive a co-op bundle, where we want to include 300 items at least.. If you would like to join us it would be awesome! best regards & peace <3

Not a bad game overall. Wish there was a bit more horror used, but beyond that, it's a nice game for 7 day's work. Keep it up.

Here's my channel for other games I have played.

Thanks for the feedback! I think your monster ideas are pretty good. Unfortunately I didn't have time to implement the different behaviors, but maybe I'll add them in the future.

Cool little game that I wish was a bit more fleshed out. Definitely worth playing!

Very good game

Thanks for the video! Upgrading mini-map at the beginning of the game is a good move :)

Nice this was really good game i like it very much I think is same element like this gave crawler game but different Dev who was make that game anyway well done keep it up!



It was funny how you went backwards at the beginning :). It turned out badly that you upgraded the minimap last and spent a lot of time looking for the last transmitter. Anyway thanks for your videos!